Dominic M. Mazzoni
1210 Walleye Cmn
Fremont, CA 94536


I'm currently happily employed. Thanks for your interest!


M.S. in Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 2003
Studied computer architecture, type systems for programming languages, advanced algorithms, advanced A.I., computer networking, speech recognition, and digital audio. Developed algorithms for fast disk-based audio editing. Researched melody matching algorithms and developed (in C++ on Linux) a working prototype of a melody-based music retrieval tool.
B.S. in Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, 1999
Studied combinatorics, number theory, graph theory, probability, algorithms, computability theory, programming languages, and computational linguistics. Researched network routing algorithms for high-speed networks of workstations.


Software Engineer, Google, Inc., Santa Monica, CA, 2006+
Worked on products including AdSense and Google Audio Ads, developed machine learning infrastructure and back-end server code in C++, Python, and Java.
Research Programmer, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 2001 - 2006
Project leader, Audacity, 1999+
Research and Teaching Assistant, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1999 - 2001.
Software Developer, Horizon, a Glimpse of Tomorrow, Inc., Pasadena, CA, Summer 1999 and Summer 2000.
Primarily worked on their product,, which is unfortunately no longer available online. Individually developed initial server software for filling 3D crossword puzzles that was used for the first year of the product's existence, using C++ on Windows and Linux. In a team of three, developed a Netscape plug-in for Windows to display 3D crosswords using MS Visual C++ and Visual SourceSafe. Later helped port plug-in to the Macintosh, and then worked on a prototype of a different product which was not released, a highly interactive website using Perl/CGI scripts and JavaScript, running on a Linux-based web server.
Software Developer Intern, Myricom, Inc., Arcadia, CA, Summer 1998
Worked with their network simulator, a C++ program with a Java (Swing) front-end, that ran on Linux, Solaris, and Windows NT. Added new features to the simulator and the front-end, and researched new routing algorithms.
Software Developer Intern, RealNetworks, Seattle, WA, Summer 1996
Worked in a team of about five to add features to the free RealAudio Player, resulting in the first RealAudio Player Plus, a shrink-wrap product for Windows and Macintosh. Used C and C++ for development, and CVS for revision control. Individually wrote a new installer for RealAudio on the Macintosh and ported an initial prototype of RealVideo to the Macintosh.


Most experience with C++ (1 million lines) and Python (100,000 lines). Significant experience with Java, JavaScript, Perl, Matlab, and some familiarity with PHP, Pascal, Basic, Lisp, Objective-C, Ruby, SQL, and various machine languages.
Significant experience developing client-side applications for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Experience developing web-based client/server applications on Linux using Apache.


ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
1st place in 1998 and 3rd place in 1999 in regional (multi-state) finals of the contest. Used C and C++ in teams of 3, competing against about 50 other teams.
NASA Software of the Year, 2005
Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment. One part-time developer on a team of more than 15.


Other works and publications: